The Truth About Sisterhood

Managing Our Fears: The Pause of Progress Caused by Fear

By Yuni, Brooklyn New York

08 August 2024

"How fear-based thinking can cripple forward movement to what may be a better outcome is very counterproductive, which in many instances leads to regret –a mere mind space of idling."

The mere idea of unfamiliarity, mandated adjustments, and just gross uncertainty can cause fear in the most assured of us regarding an established routine, exchange, strategy, or even a traditional way of thinking – modifying that “solid” space can create anxiety and doubt. What does this new way of reasoning and doing things look like, feel like, and ultimately mean? How fear-based thinking can cripple forward movement to what may be a better outcome is very counterproductive, which in many instances leads to regret –a mere mind space of idling. The pause of progress caused by fear results in the time-wasting cycle of indecision.

Driving, “coming out”, public speaking, leaving or starting a new relationship, budgeting lol, swimming – whatever makes one overthink or better yet avoid due to a possible negative outcome, is fear at its best. Fear integrates itself in spaces of heart and mind where vicarious experiences cause hesitance and prior failures re-live themselves, while possible ones take real-life form. With fear, sometimes overcoming is instant (as in cases of flight or fight), but most times there are levels to it. Communicating one’s fear with someone sound and wise (including the ancestors), having your best interest in mind or unbiased is a good level to start with. Talking it out offers another perspective and can quell anxiety. Journaling is an excellent level to align with and doesn’t have to be official – simply putting together a pros and cons list can make clarity appear in front of you and fear no longer an option. Another way is to have faith in whatever your source resonates within.

Moving from a bustling city, saturated with culture and an undefined belonging – leaving my diversified rich normalcy led to many watermark-stained shirts and discarded tissues with tears of fear. The new neighborhood demographics of less diversity and decreased culture left me feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and….still. I learned that doing nothing is not the way forward if I hadn’t even tried. Given the pros outweighed the cons, I just did what made sense. Looking into sitting, writing, and confronting in real time as to why I was in the space of fear, managed to cause me to be very honest with myself. Managing fear may look different each time. It will become easier once developed techniques that work are practiced.

No worries,


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