The Truth About Sisterhood

J. Monique Gambles,
Editor-In Chief

08 April 2024


I knew this woman was off rather quickly. She wanted to know about everyone—their weaknesses and how they fit into the company. Their roles. More importantly, she specifically wanted to know about me. It wasn’t much longer after this that I was sitting at the nail salon when I dosed off due to exhaustion, and there she was—levitating and watching me. Gaunt, hiding in off-white, long black hair, hallow narrow eyes—blurred. She was there for me!

"Present day, make no mistake, Jezebel is a spirit, and it does not discriminate."

I wasn’t scared. God had already prepared me for this. I understood my gifts and their purpose, so seeing her, I watched her also. She didn’t come close, but with a menacing look, she tried to intimidate me or make me doubt that I could see her, and not for one second was I afraid. She left after another survey of me, and I opened my eyes, whispering a plea for the Blood of Jesus to continue to cover me.

Jezebel in the bible was a queen who worshipped false gods and ordered men killed and disrupted order. She had to be seen thought of as powerful so she could manipulate outcomes in her best interest. Present day, make no mistake, Jezebel is a spirit, and it does not discriminate. A man or woman can be under the influence, and sure enough, they will wreak havoc and bring systems to their knees—begging for mercy only for it to laugh, turn things on their head, and further send them into exile, delirium, or death by suicide.

Jezebel had come for me because how dare I show up walking in my authority and doing the work of the Lord in my capacity as a therapist and clinical program manager. She was cunning. She bounced around from person to person on a joy ride while trying to unravel me. There was nothing I could say or do without her influence on others, and things got crazier at every moment. She could never sway me or get me to follow her lead or believe in her leadership because it was clear to me, as clear as the sun rises, that she was the wrong person for the job. She had infiltrated an organization because she researched the weak spots. Then she convinced believers she was one also. Her spirit was off, and anyone filled with the holy spirit should have been able to discern that, but in this case, because the spirit was able to roam free—like I said, she bounced around in and out of people, that tracking her and stopping her would be hard to do.

So, I kept myself protected and made the necessary calls—watched things unravel, and when she least expected it—I left. I no longer gave her access to me. Now, she is operating through others, and they show up at my practice no matter where I go. The unvarying mode of operation is because one thing is unquestionable; this spirit uses the same tactics every single time. Every single time.

She uses some of the same people—those who say they are Christian but are unable to discern or see through her ways. They claim to, but every time she entices them with an opportunity to try and seduce me, break me, destroy me, or kill me, they fall in line. Anything I develop, she sways people to be against me. Anything I create, she campaigns amongst weaker vessels to discredit me.

Why me? Why not? I’ve been a believer for a very long time, and my influence to draw people closer to God is something she hates. She hates me. She hates God.

I can see Jezebel in my waking hours and when I am asleep. She’s the one. No matter what, she will be against me. She’s the one lying about me. She’s the one who slyly infiltrates any place that I am and convinces professional, upstanding, and supposed Christians that I am the enemy. It’s so gray, filthy, unadulterated, insidious, and wicked—you’d be surprised who amongst us has deaf ears, blind eyes when it comes to me. Neither a Christian nor friend, woman, or believer has stood up to her to defend me. They fall in line, participating in setups, still trying to record me, and then get defensive when I call them out on their hypocrisy.

Yep, Jezebel has come for me. That spirit is bound and has NO AUTHORITY. I plead the Blood of Jesus daily over myself and my family.

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